Thursday 21 October 2010

The doors are finally here!!!

 So the bifold doors have arrived and been installed, it's so exciting!!!
 They have the coolest track mechanism and you can operate the remote at the flick of a switch!
 Only joking, Its in two locking parts so you can open two sections at a time...
 The elusive electrician finally appeared and pulled a few gaping holes out the ceiling.
 So if you can count 6 holes for spots we are on track, we will install an upside down bath in the huge hole in the middle of the ceiling. Art Noveau dontcha know?!
 All the brincking inside is complete, and just another sneeky peek at those doors...mmmmmm
 Sorry we couldn't help ourselves, we introduce you to our new crush, "the doors!"
 Ok calm down in defence this is a view from he garden outside-in...
 And this is to show you the kitchen window...oh ok we admit those doors again!!!!
 Who is this geezer posing? Looks like a club venue not a building site, having too much fun me thinks, or I'll ask what's really in those red bull cans.
 Now the two - this is getting ridiculous, looks like a love fest.
 The doors - that's better.
 Kitchen window, this may be your last view from the old dining room window.
 Enjoy, lets take a moment...
 Back to the doors, this is getting ridiculous, we have signed up to BFDA Bi Fold Doors Annonymous.
 Well I have but I think BH is going bonkers, the doors in their open glory...
 Drum Roll - semi open
 Nice from inside
 AND open glory from inside note they open outwards so no space lost, what an amazing view!

The END - quiet exhausted with all that door loving...

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Wall, doors and no more steel...

I have to apologise for the few updates this week, we have been forcing the builders to show real progress.
So the agenda this week is to complete the walls, the bi-fold doors are going in tomorrow, the underfloor heating pipes and materials should arrive before the end of the week and the bricking outside and in are going to be finished.

Check out the window frame, it looks so neat, this will be a double glazed Victorian sash style window in the corner above the sink.
 The window sill will be wide on the inside to put potted herbs!
 This wall is begging for a hanging basket!
 The corner has been bricked very neatly just a few more to go, that pile on the left is really going down!
 View from the present lawn. The lawn will be replaced on Monday so more exciting pictures for next week. We will no longer need a mower or to scarify and ponce about out there as we are getting very real looking astroturf! Yay!

 Side of the house looks almost complete with the window side all bricked in.

 View from the rear, the ceilings are so high it looks fab!

 Bricking completed "almost" inside, the doors are going in then this will be plastered and smooth and slick and ok I will stop now!!
 The patio outside will be level with the lintel and inside so all one level.

Sink corner!

Thursday 14 October 2010

Rubble gone-ready for screeding...

The old lounge floor is now ready for screed, underfloor heating and insulation then tiling.

 Old kitchen has been prepped and the pipes need to be sorted, these are the new drains until they are permanently moved - worried about shower in the morning!

 This is what our sink and showers are draining into the manhole for now! Two views so you know what I am talking about...

Wednesday 13 October 2010

more steel, can we have some walls? hello?

OK even more steel went in today, quiet frankly the Victorians did well without this much I think building regulations are going OTT. Even have to weld a hairline gap too.

Anyway to appease you steel lovers here is a picture-knock yourself out.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Get ready for a shocker -heart in your mouth moment!

And I am not kidding this is fierce progress!!!

BH thinks he's cracked the secret code on how to work with builders to get things done!
Week 6 - 10am
The house mates were set a task to find the missing walls.

 "Yes done KMB!" says Thomak
 Side wall view from inside.

 Rear view from garden. Only 2 walls standing and a lora lora steel!

 Wow check out the neat brickwork!
 And again...

 Side view...

 Awesome! We can see the space we are working with, time to look at cool stuff soon!

 Old victorian drains being relocated.

The extra steel was delivered today and BH had a lightbulb moment - not in a good way. As all the powered tools were on energy is being zapped from us, how big will the electricity bill be? Cripes the entire house was shaking as they cut the steel like paper on site!